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Shipping policy

Shipping of products

Product shipments and deliveries can also be made to countries other than Italy, San Marino and Vatican City. Secret infusions, (after checking with its logistics partner), will ship the purchased products exclusively to the destination specified in an order. We do not accept shipments to post office boxes.


Secret infusions will ship the products ordered by the Customer, by courier, to the address indicated by the same, approximately within 72 working hours from the acceptance of the order. Delivery takes place in Italy generally within 4/5 working days. The times indicated for the receipt of the goods are indicative.

Delivery costs are borne by Secret Infusions.

The recipient of the goods is responsible for paying the taxes and customs duties provided for by the legislation in force in the territory of destination of the products. For deliveries outside Italy, if subject to opening and inspection of products by customs authorities, secret infusions cannot be held responsible in any way for tampering and / or damage to the product.


The courier is responsible for the delivery. Secret infusions undertakes to collect any reports of non-delivery or delayed delivery of the products through the Customer Service and, if necessary, to assist the Customer in protecting their rights as required by law.



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